The Fiddler, Oil on canvas, 100 x 50cm, 2010
As in any journey, I am an ongoing traveler, but I am also a result of the creative and life experiences accumulated on that road. The journey unfolds, starting with an idea and some preparatory work, and the image becomes clearer as the work evolves. It is important for me that the dialogue remains fresh, open and alive with discovery.
I am fascinated at how nature expresses itself through light, and how light plays on form, while moving through atmosphere and space. The Still Life and Landscape are a means to immerse myself into these studies. My figurative work can be a narrative, but also a portrait, encountering another fellow traveler and delving into their own human expression.
I believe that I use my dialogue with nature, working from life, as a means to express myself, as a poet would use words or a musician would use their instrument to create mood, rhythms and atmosphere.